Welcome to the portfolio webpage for Nicholas J. Grosso

Software Engineer


My Work

Wordle Clone

 Recreated the popular game wordle using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Github Live

Connect-4 Algorithm

 Coded the board game connect-4 in Python three with a GUI interface. You can choose to rotate between two in-person human players or face off against a random computer player. The prompt window uses the tkinter library while the game window uses the pygame library. Works on both Linux (tested on Arch and Fedora 35) and MacOS (tested on Big Sur and Monterey).


Path Finding Algorithm

 The purpose was to test the difference between the path-finding algorithms A* and Dijkstra. Written in C++ in a remote group of two others. We utilized random graphs to show that A* is an improvment to Dijkstra's algorithm.


Who am I?

Software Engineer

  Hello! I am a software engineer currently working for Lumen Technologies on the Vyvx team. Languages I have experience with are C/C++, C#, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python, Go, SQL, Java, Kotlin, Swift, and R. I have experience with GNU/Linux, OSX, and Windows. I currently develope on Arch linux and MacOS. I have past experience with Windows and other linux distros like Ubuntu and Fedora.

Picture of Nicholas J. Grosso

My skills

A list of languages, tools, and other related skills I have experience with are,